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  1. Drones: de arma eficaz en la lucha contra el ...

    efectonaim.ntn24.com26 Mar 2012
    Desde los atentados del 11 de septiembre, los drones se han convertido en el instrumento más eficaz en el ...
  2. EE. UU. planea emplear 'drones' en ...

    actualidad.rt.com13 Jun 2012
    Las Fuerzas Aéreas de EE. UU. se plantean emplear aviones no tripulados que retirarán de Afganistán para ...
  3. BBC News - Disaster drones: Why men and ...

    bbc.co.uk22 Jul 2012 - 4 min
    Chief government scientist Nick Jennings explains how his work on Human Agent Collectives could mean ...
  4. Video: Do police need unmanned drones? - Telegraph

    telegraph.co.uk1 Oct 2012
    Minister for policing and criminal justice Damian Green and Chief Constable Alex Marshall float idea of police ...
  5. BBC News - Obama defends US drone strikes in ...

    bbc.co.uk30 Ene 2012
    US President Barack Obama defends the use of unmanned droneaircraft to kill suspected militants in ...
  6. TED Talk on U Penn swarming quads now live - DIY...

    diydrones.com1 Mar 2012
    This great talk, given yesterday at TED, is now live. I was here and the crowd was wowed. Check out the lovely ...
  7. The Next Niche Market for Solar? Drones—Yes ...

    theatlantic.comNUEVOhace 5 días
    Very high efficiency, rugged solar panels could find their first markets outside the green demographics.
  8. Blancos de drones en Pakistán: El 80% son civiles ...

    youtube.com18 Oct 2012 - 3 min - Subido por ActualidadRT
    Un 80% de los muertos tras los ataques de aviones no tripulados estadounidenses en Pakistán son civiles ...
  9. Pilotless aircraft: Giving drones a thumbs up | The ...

    economist.com22 Mar 2012
    DECK officers on American aircraft carriers use hand gestures to guide planes around their vessels. These ...
  10. Drones increasingly used in Colorado to track crime...

    kdvr.com8 Nov 2012
    DENVER -- When you hear the word drone you probably think of the unmanned aircraft the military uses to ...