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Who let the dogs out? — Montevideo, Uruguay

Montevideo, Uruguay

Whilst walking in Montevideo there is one main rule: KEEP YOUR EYES TO THE GROUND AT ALL TIMES If you don't you will step in a big pile of poo. In fact it would be conceivable that strolling down one street could result in you having several encounters. This may be of interest if you are some kind of Gillian Mckeith freak who enjoys looking at and smelling poo but not so great for others.... HELLO! Ever heard of a poop a scoop? The other reason you should always look down is that you are liable to fall down a big hole in the middle of the pavement of which there are many. Practically every street is having work done which involves digging it all up, leaving it for a bit and then throwing tiles on to see where they land! It doesn't matter if the pavement resembles the Andes....apparently. It rained today so now all the holes are filled with mud and here it gets tricky.....Is it mud or is it poo? Had a private Tango lesson today. The issue is that the enthusiastic one who is really enjoying it (me) is the one who does begger all! It is Andy that needs to learn all the steps, negotiate turns and most importantly lead me. I think he is struggling with the notion of 'pushing me around' all I do is relax and go with the flow.....we need to work on the flow a bit! But more lessons to go....