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Christian Artist Lee Whitaker Breathes Life Into Some Familiar Bible Stories

Christian artist Lee Whitaker released his new single The Winds Of Pentecost on May 10, 2012 to rave reviews. The song speaks of the birth of the Christian church as chronicled in Acts 2 of the Bible.

Whitaker is in The Lab Studios in Philadelphia with engineer Craig White working on the final mixes for his new album Alabaster Jar which breaths life into some of the great stories in the Bible. "When I heard a sermon on Pentecost God's creative wind blew on me, and the words and music began to flow." said Whitaker. In the Spring of 2005 Whitaker found success when In My Heart Is A Well from his 2005 release Hourglass cd started getting airplay in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. After Whitaker's European radio tour, In My Heart Is A Well hit #1 in The Netherlands. Later that year Whitaker's Christmas single, Prepare The Way, was played on 300 plus radio stations throughout the world. // Continue to the full article