Linda Better, Erin Sick — Sammamish, WA
Tall Timbers Restaurant and Lounge
We didn't get up until after 9:00. Erin wasn't feeling well, like she is getting a cold. So we went to breakfast and all had the same thing, small sausage, gravy and biscuits and a side of wheat toast. The small was one very large biscuit, split with sausage gravy. It was delicious. It took a long time to get our order again. I think they need to hire another cook or something. We went back to the room and packed and left at 11:10. We stopped at Fisher's Market for Erin to get some pop to sooth her throat. I drove Erin's car and Larry followed in our rental.
We drove all the way back to Erin's mostly on back roads to avoid the traffic on the interstate around Seattle. We got to Erin's about 12:45. We unpacked and Erin laid down and turned on the Seahawks game. Larry and I got packed for tomorrow. One of the things I packed were the kitchen cannisters Joe made for us when we got married. Erin isn't using them anymore and they will look great in my new kitchen. Erin gave us an old carry-on to pack them in so we can hand carry them.
For supper we went to the Issaquah Brew House. Larry had Rogue's Microgue Scotch Ale and A Frog in the Rye, I had Ace Cider and Erin had a Root Beer. Larry had Pulled Pork Sliders and Erin and I had Chipotle Chicken Pasta.
When we got back we watched the Season Finale of Breaking Bad and the Season Opener for Doctor Who.
When the alarm went off at 6:45 Monday morning Erin stayed in bed. We got up at 7:15, got ready, packed sandwiches, and left before 8:00. The traffic on the roads getting to the freeway were really slow but once we got on the freeway we got in the carpool lane and moved pretty well all the way to the airport. We left on time and the trip home was uneventful. We were hoping we could get bumped but they never offered any in Seattle or Dallas. We arrived in Columbus on time and left the airport at 9:30. We called Derek and Erin on the way home. Erin only went to work from 10:00 to 2:30 because she was feeling sick. We stopped at Steak n Shake for a bite to eat and got home at 11:00.