Elephants for the bush?

Land - 
Maybe we do, ecologist David Bowman suggests. He thinks we need to consider such extreme measures to bring stability to the nation's disrupted ecosystems.

Scientists say global warming changes currents

ABC Online - 
ELEANOR HALL: And staying with climate change, another international group of scientists says it has new evidence that ocean currents around the world are being affected by global warming.

Sea cucumber 'poo' crucial in protecting coral reefs

Radio Australia - 
Scientists have found that the humble sea cucumber can play an important role in protecting coral reefs from the impacts of climate change.

Speed Limits on the Evolution of Enormousness

Wired News - 
By Brandon Keim If you've ever wondered whether mammalian evolution has a speed limit, here's a number for you: 24 million.

How to Build a Hardy Web

Science AAAS - 
by Daniel Strain on 1 February 2012, 1:00 PM | 0 Comments Eight-legged architect. When tugged, individual threads on this spider web, the creation of a wasp spider (Argiope bruennichi), snap to save the whole.

Letter to Sea World sent by PETA

Sydney Morning Herald - 
On behalf of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Australia, I'm writing to ask you to reconsider selling fish flesh in the Dockside Tavern and the Top Terrace Food Court.

'National' parks are national in name only

ABC Online - 
IT IS A PECULIAR TWIST of logic that we elevate a small handful of Australian actors to be called national treasures, yet our national parks struggle to make even B-grade celebrity status.

Twelve-eyed, six-legged dancing robot 'Athlete' coming to a planet near you

NEWS.com.au - 
The 4m Athlete is in peak physical condition weighing in at 2267kg. Picture: NASA Source: NASA Athlete's wheels double as feet when they lock in position to allow it to climb over rocky terrain.

Manildra chief speaks out about ethanol backflip

ABC Online - 
"I'm asking for the government to step up to the plate and enforce the mandate, if they enforced the mandate, everything's fine.

NASA Receives Final NRC Report On Space Technology Roadmaps

IEWY News - 
NASA has received the National Research Council (NRC) report “NASA Space Technology Roadmaps and Priorities,” which provides the agency with findings and recommendations on where best to invest in technologies needed to enable NASA's future missions in ...

NASA probe discovers 'alien' matter from beyond our solar system

Fox News - 
For the very first time, a NASA spacecraft has detected matter from outside our solar system - material that came from elsewhere in the galaxy, researchers announced today (Jan. 31).

Land plants set off a series of ice ages on Earth

The State Column - 
Non-vascular land plants may have set off a series of ice ages on Earth, according to a study published in the journal Nature Geoscience.

Bisons adapted to climate change

The Hindu - 
Ancient bison bones discovered at a Canadian goldmine are helping unravel the mystery about how animals adapt to rapid environmental change, a study reveals.

Super volcanoes 'may be predicted'

BBC News - 
By Neil Bowdler Science and Health reporter, BBC News An artist's impression of multiple eruptions as a "super volcano" explodes.

Wet summer to continue for Eastern Australia

ABC Science Online - 
more rain The current La Niña weather pattern is likely to continue for at least another month according to the latest forecast from the Bureau of Meteorology.

If intelligent creatures exist on other planets they likely won't visit Earth ...

New York Daily News - 
By David Boroff / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS If you're worried about alien monsters invading Earth as they did in movies like "Independence Day," don't sweat it too much.

NASA releases Space Race Blastoff app in Facebook

iTWire - 
The US space agency NASA announced the release of its first multi-player online game Space Race Blastoff on Monday, January 30, 2012.

Government considers funding implications for historic wages decision

ABC Online - 
By Emma Pollard and Debra Nowland The Queensland Government says it will assess whether more state funding is needed to help community organisations pay for a historic equal wages decision.

No harm from mercury spill: EPA

Northern Star - 
A LARGE amount of mercury spilt at the Broadwater Sugar Mill on Tuesday afternoon did not cause any environmental harm, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has confirmed.

Watch SpaceX test-fire its new engine...on the ground in Texas

Written by
by Eric Mack February 1, 2012 2:53 PM PST Follow @ericcmack The new SuperDraco engines are said to provide improved maneuverability and control, even in the event of an emergency.