1. Missionary Church of the Disciples of Jesus Christ

    www.disciplesofjesuschrist.org/ - Traducir esta página
    Missionary Church Of The Disciples Of Jesus Christ. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not ...
  2. Missionary Church of the Disciples of Jesus Christ :: Who are We?

    disciplesofjesuschrist.org/language/.../whoarewe... - Traducir esta página
    We are the Missionary Church of the Disciples of Jesus Christ. We are the followers; the Disciples of Christ. We are they which are arrayed in white robes and we ...
  3. Missionary Church of the Disciples of Jesus Christ - Wikipedia, the ...

    en.wikipedia.org/.../Missionary_Church_of_the_... - Traducir esta página
    The Missionary Church of the Disciples of Jesus Christ (Sp.: Iglesia Misionera los Discípulos de Jesucristo)based in Covina, California. The organization's most ...
  4. They're No Angels: Missionary Church Masters Stadium ...

    www.halosheaven.com/.../theyre-no-angels-missi... - Traducir esta página
    9 Jun 2011 – Their white suits bear patches that read "Missionary Church of the Disciples of Jesus Christ" and they have small badges affixed to their lapels ...
  5. Missionary Church of the Disciples of Jesus Christ Follow-up

    johnofallfaith.blogspot.com/.../missionary-churc... - Traducir esta página
    7 Jan 2011 – A while back I posted on the Missionary Church of the Disciples of Jesus Christ looking for information. These are the white clad pan handlers ...
  6. Cornering the Market - Page 1 - News - Denver - Westword

    www.westword.com/2004.../cornering-the-mark... - Traducir esta página
    25 Nov 2004 – He's raising money for the Missionary Church of the Disciples of Jesus Christ. He tells passersby that the church has 5000 people working ...
  7. Missionary Church Of The Disciples Of Jesus Christ - Covina ...

    www.manta.com/.../missionary-church-of-the-dis... - Traducir esta página
    Missionary Church Of The Disciples Of Jesus Christ company profile in Covina, CA. Our free company profile report forMissionary Church Of The Disciples Of ...
  8. freedomforum.org: Wal-Mart sues to stop church from soliciting ...

    www.freedomforum.org/.../document.asp?...143... - Traducir esta página
    4 entradas - 4 Abr 2002
    ... January filed its first lawsuit in Riverside County Superior Court against the 1000-member Missionary Church of the Disciples of Jesus Christ.
  9. 2009 Motto...Missionary Church of the Disciples of Jesus Christ ...

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=k51eq3Lx9DY7 Dic 2011 - 1 min - Subido por DisciplesofChristInt
    This year our goal is to raise the banner of the gospel, because...if you live in Jesus you will see Him in the final ...
  10. Missionary Church of The Disciples of Jesus Christ, A Corporation ...

    www.corporationwiki.com › California › Covina - Traducir esta página
    26 Jun 2011 – Missionary Church of The Disciples of Jesus Christ, A Corporation Sole has a location in Covina, CA. Active officers include Caesar Rivera and ...