#SOPA/PIPA: It's not just the US - Why non-Americans should take note
If you live in Australia, Canada, Japan, Korea, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, USA, the EU, Mexico, or Switzerland your governments have either signed or are about to sign the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) which is akin to the USA's SOPA and PIPA legislation. So don't think this legislation won't affect you.
And, in a move ripe with delicious irony, although the White House came out against SOPA and PIPA it signed ACTA last year. While ACTA and SOPA/PIPA are not identical they seek the same objectives. Makes you wonder just what is going on at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW these days.
If you live in Australia, Canada, Japan, Korea, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, USA, the EU, Mexico, or Switzerland your governments have either signed or are about to sign the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) which is akin to the USA's SOPA and PIPA legislation. So don't think this legislation won't affect you.
And, in a move ripe with delicious irony, although the White House came out against SOPA and PIPA it signed ACTA last year. While ACTA and SOPA/PIPA are not identical they seek the same objectives. Makes you wonder just what is going on at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW these days.
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#googleplusupdate #search
Today we're introducing a new feature that lets you participate in a topical Google+ stream, through sharing directly from Google+ search results. Want to talk with others searching on the same topics you are? Just make a post into the stream, and others searching for the same keywords will see your update.
/via +Alex Unger
Today we're introducing a new feature that lets you participate in a topical Google+ stream, through sharing directly from Google+ search results. Want to talk with others searching on the same topics you are? Just make a post into the stream, and others searching for the same keywords will see your update.
/via +Alex Unger

Starting Conversations from Search Results
#googleplusupdate #search
Today we're introducing a new feature that lets you share directly from Google+ search results, and contribute to a topical Google+ stream. For example, if you search for basketball and then want to make a post about how your favorite team or player is doing, you can share right from the search results.
Just look for the sharebox after searching on Google+, and you'll see an opportunity to "join the discussion" about whatever you've searched for.
When you post from the search results page, it automatically includes a link back to the original search stream. This way others can join the active conversation as it unfolds.
#googleplusupdate #search
Today we're introducing a new feature that lets you share directly from Google+ search results, and contribute to a topical Google+ stream. For example, if you search for basketball and then want to make a post about how your favorite team or player is doing, you can share right from the search results.
Just look for the sharebox after searching on Google+, and you'll see an opportunity to "join the discussion" about whatever you've searched for.
When you post from the search results page, it automatically includes a link back to the original search stream. This way others can join the active conversation as it unfolds.
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Frases Y Pensamientos
El Pueblo no deberia temer al gobierno; El gobierno deberia temer al pueblo. (V de Vendetta Movie)
Y el pueblo exige libertad y no censura, Abajo!! #leysopa #leysinde #leylleras #pipa#hadopi
Y el pueblo exige libertad y no censura, Abajo!! #leysopa #leysinde #leylleras #pipa#hadopi