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SEVAQ+ v3.0. Seeking Excellence


-Aquí os traemos hoy a SEVAQ+ , ... que como dicen en elearningeuropa.info:
"partners chose Online Educa Berlin (30th Nov – 2nd Dec 2011) for the public launch of the third and final version of their online tool for the shared evaluation of quality in technology enhanced learning. This major international conference, which attracts over 2000 delegates from more than 100 countries, was selected as the perfect setting for maximum impact. Deborah Arnold, coordinator of the SEVAQ+ project, also gave a specific presentation at Online Educa, introducing the tool, scenarios of use and policy recommendations developed by a group of experts."

Aquí os traemos una recopilación de apuntes de su web:

En su web nos cuentan ..The story of SEVAQ

Quality assurance (QA) is a key priority at EU level, and a major focus of the Leonardo da Vinci subprogramme. In the context of the Bologna process and due to the Copenhagen Declaration QA has an envolving place in HE and VET. Self-evaluation is part of the internal quality assurance, the process of reviewing the quality of one's own performance and provision. According to the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) definition, self-evaluation or self-assessment refers to a comprehensive, systematic and regular review of an organization's activities and results referenced against the EFQM model. The self-assessment process allows the organization to discern clearly its strengths and areas in which improvements can be made and culminates in planned improvement actions which are then monitored for progress.
sevaq_radar2.pngSEVAQ is a self-evaluation tool of Quality in e-learning in VET and HE. The tool offers both a core of questions and customised evaluation possibilities. Evaluation results are available in real time and in a variety of forms, from radar graphs giving an instant picture to raw data for importing into other applications.
The tool was developed in a pilot Leonardo Da Vinci Project (2005-2007) in which 9 European partners merged the Kirkpatrick evaluation approach and the quality model of EFQM to produce and implement a multifunctional dynamic tool in 7 languages for the easy generation of self-evaluation questionnaires to gather high-quality feedback from learners.
The partnership of this pilot project were: European Federation for Open & Distance Learning - EFODL (Coordinator); Belgian Network for Open & Distance Learning (BE-ODL); The British Institute for Learning & Development (BILD); Norwegian Association for Distance & Flexible Education (NADE); VIDEOSCOP, Université Nancy 2cesi iberia, S.A; Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade (ISQ); Paris Chamber of Commerce & Industry, LE PREAU, Center for e-learning; Vytautas Magnus University (VMU); Hasselt University and EduWEST.be.


progetto.jpgSEVAQ+ aims to engage in wide-reaching dissemination and exploitation of the results of a Leonardo da Vinci pilot project (2005-2007): the SEVAQ tool and concept for the Self-Evaluation of Quality in eLearning.
Technology-enhanced learning is developing in diverse forms in Higher Education (HE) and Vocational Educational Training (VET) across Europe, reflecting the complex interrelation between cultures and education. As Ehlers states in the SEVAQ handbook: “…overarching approaches and strategies are needed in order to develop quality in a holistic way, taking into account organisational contexts and stakeholders in a participatory way.” The original SEVAQ project merged two widely recognised evaluation and quality approaches – the Kirkpatrick and European Foundation for Quality Management models - to produce a dynamic, multilingual tool for the generation of learner-centred self-evaluation questionnaires. (...)
Qué es... e idiomas en los que esta disponible? 
this is the SEVAQ+ project wiki. If you want access to the SEVAQ+ tool itself, please follow this link:
Direct access to the SEVAQ+ tool
SEVAQ+ v3.0 is now available in 6 languages!
English, French, Italian, German, Lithuanian and Polish

Discover the brand new SEVAQ+ v3.0 and scenarios for shared evaluation of quality
Sign up for your SEVAQ+ account directly in the tool.
Test for free or upgrade to a Premium account to get the full benefit of all content and functionalities.


If you’re implementing eLearning and ICT in Higher Education or Vocational Education and Training, then we’re sure you’ll agree that ensuring quality is a major priority! SEVAQ+ is a European-wide initiative for the Self-evaluation of quality in technology-enhanced learning, based on an innovative combination of the Kirkpatrick evaluation model for learning and the EFQM excellence model. SEVAQ+ enables you to engage in a 360° analysis of feedback from the major stakeholders involved in technology-enhanced learning systems and:
• pinpoint areas for improvement,
• track progress from one semester or year to the next,
• benchmark your teaching and training against other institutions.
Learn more about the SEVAQ+ team, the project’s background, and get involved by participating in ouronline communities or joining one of our webinars!

To keep updated,  visit our News or Events pages,
and subscribe to our newsletter.

SEVAQ+ will produce the following public results, which will be made available periodically throughout the project:
The multilingual extended SEVAQ+ tool for the self-evaluation of quality in technology-enhanceblumen.jpgd learning, for Higher Education and Vocational Education & Training.
The SEVAQ+ handbook, bringing together the theoretical background to the SEVAQ+ concept, practical recommendations for implementation and the specific technical requirements.
A white paper on validation and certification issues.
SEVAQ+ will also be running and participating in a series of events, such as presentations and workshops at conferences, seminars in each of the partner countries, ‘meet the expert’ and ‘practice exchange’ webinars, a special stakeholder reception in Valencia at the EDEN 2010 conference, a workshop at the EFQUEL 2011 summer school and a final presentation for EU officials and decision makers in Brussels.
For more information about these, please see our EVENTS PAGES

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Fuente: [SEVAQ+]