La educación científica intercultural y el enfoque de las capacidades
En este manuscrito se presentan datos del desarrollo humano de los pueblos indígenas en México que reflejan la exclusión social que viven, particularmente en los ámbitos de la educación y de la educación científica. Se propone la conformación de una educación científica intercultural como estrategia para la expansión de las capacidades de las personas para hacer y ser aquello que tienen razones para valorar. La educación científica intercultural se fundamenta en tres condiciones: 1) una perspectiva pluralista de los conocimientos; 2) una perspectiva sociocultural de la educación basada en el logro de desempeños competentes ante situaciones problemáticas socialmente relevantes; y 3) la conversión de la pluralidad de recursos cognitivos en oportunidades reales de vivir (capacidades).
This paper presents data related to the human development report of the indigenous people's lives and situation in Mexico. This report reflects the social exclusion in which they live, particularly in the field of education and science education. The idea behind this paper is proposing the creation of an intercultural science education program as a strategy for expanding the capabilities of people to do and be what they have reason to value. Intercultural science education is based on three conditions: 1) a pluralistic perspective of knowledge; 2) a socio-cultural perspective of education based on the achievement of competent performance on socially relevant situations; and 3) the conversion of the plurality of cognitive resources into real opportunities to improve people's lives and capabilities.
This paper presents data related to the human development report of the indigenous people's lives and situation in Mexico. This report reflects the social exclusion in which they live, particularly in the field of education and science education. The idea behind this paper is proposing the creation of an intercultural science education program as a strategy for expanding the capabilities of people to do and be what they have reason to value. Intercultural science education is based on three conditions: 1) a pluralistic perspective of knowledge; 2) a socio-cultural perspective of education based on the achievement of competent performance on socially relevant situations; and 3) the conversion of the plurality of cognitive resources into real opportunities to improve people's lives and capabilities.