Easter-Weekend in Prague and South-Bohemia 2012
Program with Pascal K’in Greub from Mexico – End of the Frequency 2012-Europe-Tour
Meeting Point: Charles Bridge / Inscription: Druna Centre, Prague, www.druna.cz
Wednesday April 4, 17:30 - 20:30 hs
Meeting Point: Charles Bridge / Inscription: Druna Centre, Prague, www.druna.cz
Wednesday April 4, 17:30 - 20:30 hs
Short Workshop
Place and Inscription: Druna Centre, Prague, www.druna.cz
Thursday April 5, 18:30 - 21:30 hs
Place and Inscription: Druna Centre, Prague, www.druna.cz
Thursday April 5, 18:30 - 21:30 hs
The Shamanic Heartbeat 2012
– Teachings by Mayan Masters and Star-Brothers (intensive 3 days-ceremony at Retreat Centre in Babcice, South-Bohemia, Czech Republic)
Inscription: Druna Centre, Prague, www.druna.cz
Saturday April 7, 10:00 hs, to Monday 9, 16:00 hs, 2012 (you can already arrive Friday evening)
– Teachings by Mayan Masters and Star-Brothers (intensive 3 days-ceremony at Retreat Centre in Babcice, South-Bohemia, Czech Republic)
Inscription: Druna Centre, Prague, www.druna.cz
Saturday April 7, 10:00 hs, to Monday 9, 16:00 hs, 2012 (you can already arrive Friday evening)
Don Chapito, leader of the Seri people, 110 years old and not one grey hair! - A Star Brother who decided to stay here. With deep respect!
For the end of his short Frequency-2012-Europetour Pascal K'in Greub brings a somewhat unusual workshop to the Sacred Lands of South Bohemia. Together we will create an atmosphere as if we were at a 3-days Elders’ Ceremony in Mexico.
Each participant will transcend his three-dimensional identity for the duration of the workshop and remember some moments of old Soul-Wisdom of his previous existences.
The Journey into the Shamanic Heartbeat 2012 guides you through the wormhole of your heart, beyond polarity, time and space, according to the holy way of the Shamans and Mayan Masters of Mexico.During this ceremony, for which Pascal was prepared in the last 13 years, no psychotropic substances are taken.
The graduation to a Consciousness of Unity is attained through breathing and body exercises, and the "present" Shamans and Star-Brothers. You are very aware throughout the whole process.
Elements of the 3-days Ceremony:
- Trance, Dance, Reconnection in the Sacred Wood of Babcice (Stone-Circle)
- Shamanic Heart-Beat, your Soul-Academy, Who are you? – Why are you here now?
- Frecuency 2012 – what is really happening? How can I prepare myself?
- Hypercommunicate with your personal Helpers, Angels, Light-Beings
- New World and Cocreation of Love!
It is good when you come in awareness of letting go old paradigms, leaving something that is no longer useful to you and making a sacrifice. That’s why we will move our bodies, as well affront our darkest as our lightest sites!"You can only receive the gifts that are waiting for you, if you really want to change something in your perception of the world, if you're willing to give something for it”, the Mayan Masters say.
Comfortable clothing, a drum or a rattle or anything of all, and an open heart, is all you need. Do not forget to: please bring flowers, honey, candles... And remember: "Let go of what you think you know!" - Because that would slow the Shamanic Heartbeat only.
Ta pisilic junax cotantic , in the Mayan language Tzeltal, means: "We are one only Heart."
More information about the spiritual Mayan Schools.
Comfortable clothing, a drum or a rattle or anything of all, and an open heart, is all you need. Do not forget to: please bring flowers, honey, candles... And remember: "Let go of what you think you know!" - Because that would slow the Shamanic Heartbeat only.
Ta pisilic junax cotantic , in the Mayan language Tzeltal, means: "We are one only Heart."
More information about the spiritual Mayan Schools.
Pascal brings a message for 2012 from the Council of Elders in the mountains of Chiapas where he is invited as a participant in the End Year Ceremonies 2011. The aim of the retreat is that each participant at the end of it has re-installed a programme of abundance - such as health, a harmonious social environment, and spiritual wisdom.
Invisible Healer: Group-Healing / and Templemeditation
Tuesday April 10, 2012 / Healing 18:30 – 20:00 hs. / Templemeditation 20:00-21:30 hs.
Dotek Sacral Terapie Centre, Hastalska 420, Prague (Centre), Tel. 420 7748 90917
300 people in the Invisible Healing Session in Mexico City, july 2011
Invisible Healer: Group-Healing
The contact with the Invisible Healer one has to imagine as a short Silent Retreat, whose first goal it is to break through one’s own limiting beliefs. Various meditations prepare us to be again one with the Universeor God and to activate our own self-healing potential. Then come the Mayan Masters, angels and beings of light and healing to work individually with each one of us.
The difference in Pascal's work is that it does not channel only energy from higher healing-levels, but alsolight-information, which is operating until the gene level, expanding the awareness and accelerating theprocess of evolution. It has happened that so-called "incurable diseases" and syndromes have been curedin one session.
Subsequently there will be given information on the healing method, on the Social Engagement and theCharitable Project.
The revenue goes to Pascal's project of a sustainable Sanatorium on the holy mountain in Malinalco, Mexico.
Admission: € 25 or free donation
More information about the Group Healing. Information about the method of the Invisible Healer.
The difference in Pascal's work is that it does not channel only energy from higher healing-levels, but alsolight-information, which is operating until the gene level, expanding the awareness and accelerating theprocess of evolution. It has happened that so-called "incurable diseases" and syndromes have been curedin one session.
Subsequently there will be given information on the healing method, on the Social Engagement and theCharitable Project.
The revenue goes to Pascal's project of a sustainable Sanatorium on the holy mountain in Malinalco, Mexico.
Admission: € 25 or free donation
More information about the Group Healing. Information about the method of the Invisible Healer.
A meditation project that wants to raise the frecuency of the surroundings it takes place and to receive information of the Ascended Masters for the benefit of humanity. Please only meditators with some experience and discipline.
Admission: free donation
Individual Sessions – Cosmic Healing, Regressions, Master Contacts, Gene Activation
Inscription: Druna Centre, Prague, www.druna.cz
April 5, 2012 (maybe more spaces will open)
Inscription: Druna Centre, Prague, www.druna.cz
April 5, 2012 (maybe more spaces will open)
Pascal: "I want to help you to live your full sensual, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual potential. I only give the impulse, so that you can take again responsibility for your life."
Admission: Sfr. 150 / ...
More information to Individual Sessions.
Pascal K’in Greub
The Swiss Pascal K'in Greub, in 1999 followed a dream and then emigrated to Mexico. Since then he has gone to school with many shamans and sages to take up again his formerexistence as a medicine man and spiritual companion. The work of the Invisible Healer wastransmitted to him by the Maya Masters in more than 10 years of teaching.
Pascal helps to raise the frequency, to heal, to transform and to remember.
As founder of the movement "It is Heart-Time!" he is a mediator of the millenarian and pure shamanic traditions. He has carried his message in workshops and lectures in more than 15countries and has taught at universities, institutes and in companies.
His charitable program provides group healings on donation basis, which in Mexico are attended at present by hundreds of people.
Pascal helps to raise the frequency, to heal, to transform and to remember.
As founder of the movement "It is Heart-Time!" he is a mediator of the millenarian and pure shamanic traditions. He has carried his message in workshops and lectures in more than 15countries and has taught at universities, institutes and in companies.
His charitable program provides group healings on donation basis, which in Mexico are attended at present by hundreds of people.
More about Pascal. Testimonies.